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Friday, January 20, 2012

Favourite Things Friday

Oh my gosh!
It is FREEZING here in Iowa!
I'm surprised I can get my fingers moving to type.
I'm not going to try not to write much in this post because I have a lot of photos to share.
I'm linking up to Shay's Favorite Things Friday.
(I have told you how freaking awesome this gal is??)
I actually have two favorite things this week.
The first is a quilt I helped participate in making.
We have a wonderful online friend
that is so incredibly talented
and so marvelously sweet.
Her name is Jeannie.
I invite you to click on her name and look at her photostream in Flickr.
She is an inspiration to all who come into contact with her.
I dearly love this woman.
I won't go into the reasons why we made this for her,
but I can tell you we all did it with love in our hearts.
Amy, from During the Quiet Time coordinated all of this.
She contacted us to make blocks. A group of us made them
and sent them to her. When all was said and done, Amy quilted it and shipped it to Jeannie.
It was an absolute honor to participate in this.
New friendships were made and along with a beautiful quilt where every stitch was done in love.
Thank you so much again, Amy, for putting this together!
You are an angel!

Jeannie's quilt front by During Quiet Time (Amy)
The second thing is my first sister sew in with Sarah.
Here are a few pictures to show you our fun.
(and I am totally kicking myself because our friend, Cyndi, was there and I didn't get one stinkin picture of that!!)
Mary & Sarah

Sarah's Fascade quilt top
Sarah's cute market bag 

Sarah's cute flower button

My cute market bag using some of my Happy Mochi Yum Yum fabric

A cute Break Buddy from a tutorial by Melissa.
It's great for carrying tea bags, Emergen-C packs ,
Crystal Lite packs, all those little goodies!
(Melissa - do you recognize the fabrics?  wink wink)

And the inside

It was a great little goodie to make and super easy to put together. 
I HIGHLY recommend you make one for yourself!
I have to make another one for me.
Little Miss Mary liked it so much that I just couldn't keep it.
So there you have my longgggggggggggg Favourite Things Friday post!
I hope I didn't bore you!
Until next time, keep the creative juices flowing!


Melissa P said...

I just love how it turned out. Such a great project to be part of.

Elisa Black said...

You shared some great favorite things. That group quilt you worked on is beautiful (I might have to bookmark it on Flickr) and I'm sure the recipient will love it. I love the little tea cozy, too! How nice to get together with friends and quilt! Sounds like you had a great week!

Shay said...

I think you overstate my awesomeness but thankyou for the compliment. (I happen to think you’re the bees knees too!)

The quilt you did for Jeannie is absolutely lovely. Those colours pop and make me wanna run out and roll in bright fabric. You guys did a fabulous job!

The Break Buddy looks fabulous. I may have to give one of those a try...

Cindy Sharp said...

Thanks for sharing. You put a big smile in my day.

Paulette said...

That's a beautiful quilt for Jeannie! Love the happy colors. So many fun things you and your friends made! I need one of those Break Buddies. I'm always hauling teabags in my purse. I think I even have a Jane Sassaman scrap I could use. Thanks for the tutorial link!

Anonymous said...

You did a great job summing up the quilt project for Jeannie! That photo is really good of the quilt.(Yes I saw it on Flicker too.:))The break buddy is a really cute idea, I may have to make one as well. Looks like your sew in was a blast. Always fun to get together with special ladies and laugh, talk, eat some chocolate!!!!! and sew! :) Have a great weekend.

quiltygal said...

lovelt quilt lovelt thing to do ....freezing there? 38 degrees here(about 96) I quilt with my sister too nice to have that connection

quiltygal said...

Ps: had "The Awesome Lady" at my place yesterday for a sew in & yes she is pretty awesome lol

linda said...

what a lot of good stuff ,and the quilt for jeannie is lovely well done bet she loves it :)))
i made something like your break buddy last night but it is more of a card wallet.
sounds like you all had a great time sewing .
i have put a tickerfactoy thing on my blog to track the weight loss !!

aaaandreaaaa said...

What an awesome post about the quilt we participated in. Lovely blog post. Stay warm in Iowa because we are breathing dust in North, TX.