Hey everybody!!
I'm so glad you stopped by for a visit.
I would like to first thank
for inviting me to participate in my very first blog hop!

And I couldn't have asked for a better one
to participate in,
because I am TOTALLY
crazy about making pouches.
Here's a little eye candy for you
of a few of the pouches I've made.
I have a pattern that I use quite frequently.
The zipper instructions are WONDERFUL,
and I will tell you,
I am not a zipper gal.
When I first started making pouches,
I would look at the zipper
like it was a zombie
trying to eat me alive.
And I turned into Satan himself
when I tried to do zippers.
(I know it's hard to believe, because I'm such an angel)
Did I just hear lightening strike?
But then I noticed on Flickr,
these 'to die for' pouches
where the zippers looked PERFECT!
I found out the pattern was called
by Elizabeth Hartman.
And perfect they were!
You have a choice of 3 different styles.
I've only made the one
(Style C)
because that one seems to suit the needs
of what I use a pouch for
and for what some of my swap partners
have requested.
What's Style C, you ask?
it looks like this
What I love about this is that you
can use the pattern for a basic construction,
but design it however you would like.
I just did this one for a private swap with my friend,
Use your creative process
to add little embellishments to your pouch.
I added this little songbird because of the birds on the fabric
because I'm a "Singing Quilter"
hee hee
And I've also added printed twill
(that I get from my favorite shop,
I love the alphabet twill tape above the typewriter fabric.
And you can dress up your pockets too!
(make sure to watch your seam allowance, or you'll be giving compliments on someone's derriere like I did)
What was meant to be 'cute as a button'
became 'cute as a butt'
Luckily I had an awesome swap partner with a great sense of humor like me.
Perfect match!
Just make sure to use your imagination!
is GREAT for things like this.
Freedom for your design,
easy to follow instructions,
LOTS and LOTS of information.
This pattern is 20 pages long,
but it has instructions for 3 different designs
with 2 different sizes for each.
AND...I just looked....and it's on sale right now.
If you're interested,
How sweet is that??
Make sure to also check out my
blog hop partners who are also posting about pouches today.
who's going to share some more eye candy!
And this is the kind of eye candy that won't give any added weight!
Pretty sweet, eh?
Don't forget to check
to check out my post
to see the list of upcoming blog's
and the list of sponsors.
Also, make sure to sign up in the
to win prizes!!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
I hope you enjoyed your visit!
Make it a good one, folks, and y'all come back now, ya hear!