Holy Smokes!
4 minutes to get this weeks
message written and posted
before it's Tuesday!
What happened to my day?
So I've been thinking a lot about what I wanted to
write about this Monday.
My main purpose this year
is to become a better person
and loose weight in the process.
I think those are pretty attainable goals.
I read this quote today
(author unknown)
"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. "
I think about what I've been working on this month.
I notice I think differently about things.
Before, my focus was food.
I know that may sound weird to you,
but to me, it's been my coping mechinism,
my best friend,
to get me through rough times,
sad times
and even happy times.
Now I have to look at reality.
And not bury my head in the sand
(or my mouth in the cake...so to speak. LOL)
I am blessed to have a strong faith.
I am blessed to have a strong faith.
But I am a stubborn person,
and think I can do things
'on my own'
most of the time,
which can leave me in trouble,
if ya know what I mean.
I've had to make some pretty tough decisions this week.
One decision broke my heart
and left me crying for several days,
but I know it was a decision that needed to be made
and I needed to let go.
Sometimes life throws those little curve balls
and we have to be the stronger person.
Maybe this time last year,
I would have been selfish
and not acknowledged what needed to be done.
I would have held on
and tried to control the situation.
But I am no longer that person.
I can let go.
I can move on.
I can stick to my goals.
The more I stick to my goals,
the more I hold myself accountable,
the better I feel about myself.
I can feel the difference taking place.
It's pretty awesome,
and I know that in the end,
I am going to rise above.
I'm going to look back
and be thankful for what this time has brought me.
No regrets.
Just gratitude.
So, I get the quote.
I have a long way to go,
but I think I'm liking what I'm becoming.