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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

I am sorry I have been a bit absent from my blog this month.

Sometimes life just happens
and we don't have time for all the things we 'want' to do,
but have to make time for what we 'need' to do.

My wish for all of you is much love, health, peace and happiness.

And just a small thought I would like to share.

God is love.
It's that simple.
He's not something to fight about.
Gay, straight, black, white,
fat, skinny...every single person
on this earth deserves love.
And that's what we are here to do.

Not belittle each other.
Not shoot our children.
Not hate.

Learn to accept.
Learn to let go.
Learn not to walk in another persons mind.
It all starts with love.
Love yourself,
then the rest will follow.

And if you're still reading this post,
I love you too.

Plain and simple.


Friday, December 14, 2012

Scrappy Swap and a Prize!

Hello World!

I can't believe how time is flying right now.
I haven't had much time for anything except work,
so I feel like I'm falling behind everywhere else.

I'm trying to find a balance,
which sometimes means shutting myself off from
the rest of the world.
Do you know that feeling?
You just can't add one more thing,
one more problem,
one more 'to do'
to your life.
Yeah...that's where I've been these past couple weeks.
But soon it will pass and my life will be my life again,
so that's what I'm focusing on!

In the meantime,
my brain has been on overload
from being consumed with all the information
being sent my way.
But enough with the boring stuff!!

Let's get on to some happy news!!
As I mentioned in THIS post
I was in the Scrappy Swap on Flickr

I received,
all the way from Australia,
this GORGEOUS item

It came from Hilary
and you can feel free to take a peak at her blog

I love all of the scraps,
and the fabric basket she made for me.
I'm keeping all my 2-1/2" squares in this little beauty!
it's a BIG beauty! 
I'll probably be able to hold an entire quilt
full of 2-1/2" squares!
Plus my fancy book mark
(which is being held ever so nicely in my Fifty Shades of Grey book)
Oh yeah
Hey....a gal has to have some excitement, right?

I also won a FABULOUS give away!
I could NOT believe it!
Right from the designer herself,
It was a fat quarter bundle of her new line
that is coming out this month called
Don't Be Crabby

I have a friend who had a beautiful baby boy
and this fabric is PERFECT to use to
make a quilt for him!

Along with the fabric,
I also won the paper piecing pattern 
designed by Amy Friend
of During Quiet Time.
You can read about this pattern
I highly suggest you take a look at it. 
It's so darn cute!!!

So even in the 'muck' of life,
good things continue to happen.
I can never complain!


Thursday, December 6, 2012

V and Co

I don't know about all of you,
but when I go shopping
I like to dress comfy.

I actually prefer to shop on the web,
in the comforts of my sewing room,
dressed in my jammies.
But when I actually have to leave the house,
I love a hoodie and a pair of jeans.
That's me right there.
Miss Comfy.
No High Maintenance Molly here.

My sister and I went 
Christmas shopping,
which actually ended up to be quilt shop hopping.
But we bought fabric to make our Christmas gifts with,
so technically,
that's Christmas shopping.

Well...she knew I was dying to touch fabric,
and I couldn't wait the 2 hours it was going to take us
to get to one of our favorite shops,
so about half way there,
we stopped at another one of our favorites.

And you wouldn't believe who was there.
Little Ms Vanessa Christenson
from V and Co

Oh yeah....
I should have dressed for the event.

Of course, 
we didn't want to overwhelm her with our friendliness,
so we stalked her from the background,
until she was alone.
Then we pounced.

I swore I thought I was going to be a dork,
but I think I held my cool.
My dress attire spoke all the dorkiness for me,
so my personality had to remain cool.

Vanessa is as sweet as ever.
She even let us take our picture with her.
(these are from my sister's phone)

As usual, Sarah tried to be the 
"main feature" of the photo

(look at Vanessa being all cute)

These items were all made from her Simply Color line.
(which we were standing in front of)
I would like to tell you that we made them,
but that would be a lie.
However, I did purchase her Barn Dance quilt pattern.
More to come on that one!

Since Sarah was hogging the picture,
we tried to do it again.

Still not quite working.....3rd times a charm.

So there we are folks!!
Meeting Vanessa!
I sure hope to run into her 
a few more times.
and for the love...let me have a good hair day and a stylin outfit on when that happens!!
She truly was as sweet as she looks.

Thanks for making our day, Vanessa!!