Let me know if you do! Coming soon will be a blog about the latest quilt I'm working on. Yes, it's true, I will have the quilt top finished. **fainting** I have to in order to get 40% off my next shopping spree at Common Threads. :o) What an incentive, right? Peg, the shop owner, hosted this awesome block of the month and that's our prize for completing everything on time. How sweet is that?? But I will tell you this quilt had challenged me. I'm all about the easy stuff, so I'm pretty darn proud of myself for doing this quilt! I PROMISE it will be blogged by next Sunday.
And just because she's one of my absolute favorites, I read on KarrieLyne's blog today that she's going to have another tutorial coming up. I can't wait!! She just makes me smile!!
So...until next weekend (of if I have a chance before then) I hope you all are finding many things to be grateful for this past year. My list is long!! I hope yours is too.
Merry Christmas!!
My list is long too!! I am thankful that you finally blogged again!! LOVE YA, SIS!!
I can't wait to see your finished quilt top. Happy holidays!
Hi Sweetie, long time, no talk to. Miss you and hopefully we'll get together after the 1st of the year. Thanks for the phone call, just no I'm thinking of you!! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
ok, I spelled no wrong.........should be know!! :o)
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