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Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Weekend of Sewing!

So I really shouldn't have done this,
but I spent the entire weekend sewing.
I just shut myself away in my little paradise.
The heat outside was unbearable.
The cool air of my sewing room
beckoned me to come sit for a spell.
And sit for a spell I did!
I played, and played with 
the fabric I won from Kate Spain's giveaway.
I finally finished this table runner
with  Sadie snoring away, of course.

I had this pattern, Henrietta, by Heather Bailey for quite some time.
I will definitely make another one.  I need more practice!!


But overall, I think it's pretty cute!  I even gave her some bling.

And then I made this cute little mug rug.
It's actually supposed to be a Christmas one, however
I really wanted to make this using Terrain.
It's by Jodi from Pleasant Home.  You can purchase it here.
Mug Rug

And here is our sweet little K.C.  We've had her now for 13 years, but she's as spry as an
8 week old kitten!  If you're wondering what K.C. stands for it's
Killer Cat.
Sometimes she's  
If you have made her mad,
she will remember.
And she will plot revenge.
No lie.
Ask our dogs.
Even Sadie won't go near her.
K.C. tells YOU who's boss.
End of story.

And I just realized...this picture of K.C. is when I was sewing my

synchronized squares quilt

And I didn't take a picture of my quilt top.
I guess that will come on my next post!

I hope you had some time just for you this weekend.
Seems like we just don't take enough of that.


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fun Little Updates


Just wanted to share a few things that have been going on.
First...have you ever had a friend
that fits you like a glove?
Well my friend like that is Julie.
And she just had a birthday on June 27th.
We are SO much alike it's not even funny.
EXCEPT she does not like the color
What the???
But I overlook that because she is just amazing.  :o) 
And I'm making her supper on July 26th.
It will be a great night!
So, with all this said.
Heeeeerrrreeee's Julie! 
(Think of Ed introducing Johnny Carson)

I she just not as cute as cute can be??
Love you, Julie!

So we had the Smith reunion at our house last weekend.
It was a GREAT turnout, however,
I didn't get pictures of the people here.
Yep, I'm a dork.
But my sister-in-law did, so I'll have to figure out
how to get them off Facebook.
Here's a few of the decorations I did.
I'm so glad the guys let me 'chic out' the man shed a bit.
hee hee
FYI - the man shed is still a work in process.

And one of the center pieces.

 And the 4' x 8' food table
(which ended up being totally too small!)
But it was a GREAT day.
Wonderful company
Great food
Many, many blessings!

And here's just a random picture I took last night.
Jesse and I were watching the DVD
for season 2 of Dexter
(OMG this show is thrilling!!)
And I noticed the sunlight beaming in on the
hydrangea's that my good friend, Cyndi, grew for me.
I thought you might enjoy it.
(I LOVE dried hydrangea's like there's no tomorrow!)

And here's a view of what I planted this year and the end of our patio.

There's honeysuckle in the middle trellis and a clematis on each of the side trellis's.
The honeysuckle seems to be thriving.
So if the clematis decide they don't like it here,
I'll plant a couple more honeysuckle there next here.
Here's to honeysuckle!

Yarrow decided to randomly start growing by our wood pile.
I LOVE how this happened.
Mother Nature at her best.

And I'm sure you're wondering how pretty my lilies have opened up.
I mean,
what else do you have to think about?

I have to say that the wind has not been kind to them,
but I was able to capture a picture before they didn't look so well anymore.

So that's a little bit of stuff that's been happening at my place!
Hope you all have a great day!!