So I really shouldn't have done this,
but I spent the entire weekend sewing.
I just shut myself away in my little paradise.
The heat outside was unbearable.
The cool air of my sewing room
beckoned me to come sit for a spell.
And sit for a spell I did!
I played, and played with
the fabric I won from Kate Spain's giveaway.
I finally finished this table runner
with Sadie snoring away, of course.
I had this pattern, Henrietta, by Heather Bailey for quite some time.
I will definitely make another one. I need more practice!!
But overall, I think it's pretty cute! I even gave her some bling.
And then I made this cute little mug rug.
It's actually supposed to be a Christmas one, however
I really wanted to make this using Terrain.
It's by Jodi from Pleasant Home. You can purchase it here.
And here is our sweet little K.C. We've had her now for 13 years, but she's as spry as an
8 week old kitten! If you're wondering what K.C. stands for it's
Killer Cat.
Killer Cat.
Sometimes she's
If you have made her mad,
she will remember.
And she will plot revenge.
No lie.
Ask our dogs.
Even Sadie won't go near her.
K.C. tells YOU who's boss.
K.C. tells YOU who's boss.
End of story.
And I just realized...this picture of K.C. is when I was sewing my
synchronized squares quilt
From ps i quilt.
And I didn't take a picture of my quilt top.
I guess that will come on my next post!
I hope you had some time just for you this weekend.
Seems like we just don't take enough of that.