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Saturday, July 14, 2012


As promised!

I was so excited when Jake,
the co-creator of Generation Q
contacted me to 'thank' me for doing a post on the magazine.
Trust me...
that was TOTALLY random.
If you've followed my blog,
you know that I am all about giving a
"shout out" to those I believe in.
So imagine my surprise when I received an email
from Jake, saying she saw my blog and offered
a couple magazines for a giveaway!

I had been waiting for the day this delivered to my mail box.
I was SOO excited for my blogger pal,
as she was going to be featured in this most amazing
little packet of goodness.
I am such an admirer of hers
(she may be getting tired of hearing this little Iowa gal sing her praises),
but if anyone deserves a star a little higher,
it's Melissa.

And can I just mention this little magazine
is a pocket full of little surprises
after my own heart!
Check this out!

Oh yeah.....
There's a recipe for this luscious happy juice.

Anyone who has quilted with my sister and me,
(aka...The Spinster Sisters)
know we LOVE a little happy juice
to keep the needle working!

There are all kinds of great patterns,
little tidbits,
helpful information...
I promise you this magazine will become your next
'go to' item.
And it really is a nice size magazine,
measuring 7"x9" and would fit perfectly in this bag
(which the pattern, by Pat Bravo, is included in the magazine...imagine that!) do you get a chance to win?
All you have to do is follow my blog.
Leave a comment on this post letting me know that you started following,
or if you already follow,
just leave a comment stating that little fact.
And I LOVE my international pals,
so I'm hoping your participate too!!

You have until 11:59 PM July 21st to enter.
The winner will be announced on Sunday, July 22nd.

Good luck!!


FabricFascination said...

I have been following your blog Cindy, and would love a chance to win one of these magazines.

How fun!

Amy DeCesare said...

I'm a follower already. This is an intriguing magazine, so I'll have to check it out, even if I don't win a copy!

Karen said...

I am a follower too! tHANKS FOR THE CHANCE TO WIN.

Liz DandeliondD said...

I am a new follower.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Linda Coleman said...

Cindy, I follow your great blog and look forward to your postings every time.

jules said...

Love your blog CindyLou!!! This magazine looks like such fun, I would love a chance to win a copy!

Shay said...

I wouldnt mind the recipe for happy juice...

Im putting my hand up for this fabulous giveaway too. Thanks for the chance to win what looks like a fantastic magazine.

Anonymous said...

I am starting to follow your blog, thanks so much for the invite!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just randomly found your blog and not follow! Very nice!! The mag. looks very nice!

Anonymous said...

How did I miss this one!! What a great give away!!
Happy Juice sounds good about right now...hehe..

Anonymous said...

Well I stopped by to see your post on the granny squares and saw the give I entered. :) I will click on the follow button so I don't miss ANYTHING! :)